
Shams tabrizi age at death
Shams tabrizi age at death

shams tabrizi age at death
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If the date of his demise in 757/1356 may be considered genuine, it means that his birth would have been taken place around 580/1175 during the period of Imam Ala Muhammad (561-607/1166-1210). 123) on the basis of an old manuscript that the span of Pir Shams's life was for 171 years. Sayed Bawa Ahmad Ali Khaki writes in his "Dar-i Khuld-i Bari" (Ahmadabad, 1905, p. Most of the scholars concur in his age for 115 years, but it however seems that Pir Shams had lived to an advanced age beyond 115 years.

shams tabrizi age at death

The most confusing and unsolved point is to locate his date of birth. His death in 757/1356 however is indisputable, based on the plaque at the mausoleum in Multan. It is indeterminable point in the modern sources, when Pir Shams was born? The extant materials however do not allow one to draw a safe conclusion. The great Sufi saint Bulleh Shah (1680-1758) also referred to Pir Shams in his Sufic poetry. Some details are also found in "Tarikh-i Firishta" (comp. 1013/1604) traces his ancestry back to the Ismaili root. The earliest description of Pir Shams is found in the treatise of the biographies of Sufis, entitled "Nafahat al-Uns" (comp. It is said that after the death of Sayed Salauddin, Imam Kassim Shah had commissioned Pir Shams as the hujjat of Sind and Hind at Daylam for the Indian mission, and he also refers to the Imam that: "Adore sincerely the true guiding light manifested in the person of Kassim Shah, the Lord of the time." (vide "Garbi", 5:17).

shams tabrizi age at death

It is recounted that Pir Shams had gone to Badakhshan with his father at the age of 19 years, and thence he proceeded to Tibet and returned back to Sebzewar. Kamaluddin Mujahri of Sebzewar writes in "Malfuz-i Kamalia" that Pir Sayed Muinuddin Hasan of Sebzewar of Ajmer had a meeting with Sayed Salauddin in Sebzewar in 560/1165. His father Sayed Salauddin had been deputed in Baltistan by Imam Kassim Shah, who most probably came into the contact of Taj Mughal in Badakhshan. Pir Shams was born most probably at Sebzewar, a town in Khorasan, lying 64 miles west of Nishapur. Do talk to us or send us a note on what your company plans to create with for the next video requirement.Mission of Pir Shams Sebzewari in India Mission of Hazrat Pir Shamshuddin

Shams tabrizi age at death plus#

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  • shams tabrizi age at death

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    Shams tabrizi age at death